Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mid Aug update

So I've pretty much switched from FTP to P*'s. It's just so much easier to find good tables simply because there are so many more running. On FTP it could take around 30-40mins to get on 6 good tables. That's a long time when you only play a max of 2hrs a day. So I've been grinding on P*'s. The software is growing on me, but I still wish it dealt as fast as FTP. I was on track to meet all of my monthly goals until this week when I played much less then normal trying to get things in order for the wife's baby shower and our out of town guest's, all while preparing for an audit at work and putting in crazy amounts of hours there. I'll be glad when this week is over.

Stats for Aug. 1 - Aug. 15
Hands - 4740
BB/100 - 8.49

I am getting back to the same comfort level I had before playing cash. Even though it's a tiny sample I am not making many of the mistakes I was making when I first started back. Knocking the rust off and adding a few new tools to the grab bag. So total since I started back to cash looks like this:

Hands - 9495
BB/100 - 3.43 <---bah but it's positive and continually going up

I've been looking at my PT data a lot more then I ever did before and I think my results are coinciding with the study I have been doing. Take a look at the graph for the difference. I am avoiding the 1-2 big mistakes a session that caused the massive swings early on, and when I get it in ahead set vs draw the hands have been holding. I know it's still a small sample but it makes me feel good knowing I'm earning some Sklansky bucks. So my first 10k hands have been a small success and I hope to keep improving over the next half of the month and start taking shots at 50nl next month. Here's the graph of the first 10k:
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Goodbye July, Aug goals and update

Since embarking on my adventure that is 6 max a few weeks back things didn't start out to well. My sessions have been very swingy and I know I went on tilt a few times, which is strange since in tournies I seemed to have that under control. I have played a total of 6,621 hands in that few weeks and feel I am improving. I think swapping HH's with Jojo and now Scott has helped me out a lot. I hope that they are benefitting also. Here's my graph for July15-July31:
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And since Aug 1:
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So things seem to be improving. It kind of sucks playing 6,6xx hands of breakeven poker. I'm actually down $0.60 but rakeback kicks it up to ~+$55. Still sucks. I have been reading a lot of the microNL stickies at 2+2 and went through my PT stats as suggested in one thread and think I found a leak of mine. A pretty large one actually. I seem to be playing far to many hands from the sb and it has costed me dearly so that is something I've been working on along with Jojo and Scott's suggestions. So I suppose I'll stick it out this month and then try and determine if I'm just on the good side of variance at the moment. Here's my goals for Aug:
[] Play 12k hands
[] Establish a positive winrate
[] Find more leaks
[] Continue to swap HH's
[] See green in my PT database

That's all for now.
