Here's the rules
A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog...
B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...
C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...
D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog...
1) I played soccer semi-seriously from 5-18. Played for a regional junior olympic team at 16 and played a tourney in Amsterdam, Holland. Came back hurt knee,back blah blah no college games for me.
2) From 15-20 I was the lead vocalist for a local Hardcore band. We released a 8 song demo and 12 song CD. Played the World Series of Metal and the Cleveland music festival. Pretty cool for 17 y/o's.
3) Married my highschool sweetheart. Been together since we were 16.
4) I am really into cars. I'm currently building a 79 malibu. It's a labor of love going on 6 years. Building a show and go car is much more expensive then I ever imagined but it's so much fun.
5) I am currently back at Uni this time majoring in Finance.
6) I am a horror movie nerd
7) I have two dogs and a cat. A boxer(my baby), a french bulldog(her baby), and the cat is mine.
I know that was boring and since Dave tagged Scott I guess I'll just tag TMJ.
Poker update.
The wonderful downswing continues. Going on a month and a half. I looked at PT and I've lost 78.6% of coinflips that I go in LEADING. I'm ready to smash the F*&^ out of my monitor. It is making it easier to work on my car after work instead of playing poker though. It has been a needed break. A buddy of mine and I are also looking into renting our own shop if we can find one within reason. Between the two of us there isn't anything we're not qualified to do to an automobile. It would start as a place for us to finish our cars(he building a 72 cutlass both are pretty close to being done) then use them as our business card so to speak and see if we can get a little business going. We've been talking about it for years, now that we're both kinda financially secure it could become an option.