$100 to $1000
Theres been a lot of talk lately of the positive benefits of playing shortstacked. So I'm going to jump on the band wagon. I'm going to do a little exercise which I'm hoping will keep me posting here. I'm going to start with $100 and see how long it will take to turn it into $1000 4 tableing 6max. I am going to try to play 3hrs a day 5 days a week. I am going to start at .05/.10 and buy-in for half the table max. When I double up I will leave the table and move to another and repeat. When I get to $250 I'll move up to 25NL, $500 up to 50NL, and I'll end at $1000. This will give me 20 short buy-ins at each level. I think I'm going to do this on stars since I'll be playing during the day and there's not as much traffic at FTP which sucks cause I'm going to miss out on a lot of rakeback. Let the journey begin....