Friday, October 19, 2007

It's been a long while

Well I haven't been playing much NL I've actually been playing 6-max limit. It's so much more enjoyable although more difficult. Here's my stats so far

hands 17,353

These are spread out over .50/1-2/4 with most being at 1/2 and 2/4. I started at .50/1 to get used to the speed of the game. I still play that level at stars to since I don't have much of a BR on there. No real interesting tournies to report on. Went deep in a couple recently a couple top 18 finishes but no final tables since my last post.

I am going to play at Harrah's this upcoming thurs. in the 300+40 NL circuit event. I'm leaving right after work wed. night and heading down. Should get there around 4am or so. Hopefully I'll be able to grab a few hours sleep before the tourney starts. Who knows maybe I'll have a really cool trip report when I get back.


Blogger Dave said...

Hey - thought I'd drop in and visit. Wondering how you've been doing. I'm not playing much online poker these days as I used to. Having fun doing other things for a while but still manage to play every once in a while. Hope all is well and hope you're doing well at the Chiptalk tourneys.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Wes917 said...

Hey Chipper. I actually took third in the CT tourney last week. Haven't played many this Q. I pop into your blog about once a week. Haven't left any messages lately though.

6:52 PM  

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