Friday, June 30, 2006

Totals for this week

I am a little ashamed to post this. I decided not to give up on sng's as I feel I know how to beat them just not as well as cash games. Since I haven't gotten it down yet I need to get a handle on them, if for nothing else but personal satisfaction. On the plus side I had a job interview that seemed to go well today and would be an extra $10000 a year. That would be great if I get it considering we just bought a house based on our previous incomes. Anyway on to the stats. Most of these were speeds with some regulars mixed in.

Party $11's:

Total Tournies = 39
Total Entries = $429
Total Won = $490
Total Profit = $61

This part will make you sick. It did me anyway. Time to look at my game once ITM. I spent so much time on bubble play then once it pops I'm a damn donkey again

Finish breakdown:
1st - 3 (wtf)
2nd - 2
3rd - 14 (ugh this is just terrible)
4th - 7
5th - 5
6th - 3
7th - 2
8th - 2
10th - 1

So complete totals for the week

Total played = 4
Total Entries = 16.40
Total Won = $76.45
Total Profit = $71.05

Total amount won for Jun 25th - Jun 30th = $132.05

I guess that's not terrible considering how little I played this week. I'm cutting this week short as I'm not going to play tomorrow(have a home game). I will start updating the weeks as Sun.-Sat. Good luck to everyone in cyberspace and at the WSOP.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Played 2 MTT's on Titan

First was a $5 Freezeout with 198 runners. Played ok, nothing to spectacular happening ended up 14th for $10. I know Balla. While that was going on, an hour in a $3r started up. I join never rebuy only take the add-on so total investment was $6. End up in 6th after I push from the button with A5 and sb wakes up with KK. No help and I'm out as he had me slightly covered. Ended up +$66.45. I feel like I played really good in the rebuy tourny. O well still up $71.45 for the evening/morning.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I got moved to 3rd shift this week. It sucks hard. I haven't had a chance to play much or do anything else. I got very few hands in. I played a few sng's to. I feel a little burnt out. O Well I'll get a schedule down eventually.

Totals for the week:

50nl - 357 hands
profit = $36.50
15 - $11 speeds
profit = $60

Total for the week = $96.50.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Damn internet connection

Well today I was playing a $4.40 180 man sng on Stars. We're up to the first break and I'm 7th in chips, playing good and feeling good. Start playing after the first break and there are around 80 people I think left. At the same time I'm playing a $5.50 tourny with $200 added on pokerfantasy with 60 runners. Both started around the same time and an hour in I'm 3rd in chips on PokerFantasy with 21 people left going into the first break. Then I lose my internet connection. The last I saw on Pokerstars I was in 5th with 62 people left. I end up finishing the Pokerstars tourny in 20th after I blinded away, and somehow I ended up in 9th on PokerFantasy earning $14. I had to request the tourny histories to find out where I finished. What a waste of good play and a chance to really slingshot the bankroll ahead. In nl cash games last week I managed pretty good and ended up +$227.98 for the week. I made a goal to try and make a min. of $100 a week. I know goals are supposed to be bad because your results oriented but it helps keep me focused. Till next time....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Haven't up dated in a while

I think I'm going to start updating once a week with stats and things. Been real busy here, me and my fiance just bought our first home, so I've been spending a lot of time filling out paperwork and such. I did finish my pso bonus for the books I ordered. I ended up +$136.53 plus HOH3, Hold'em for advanced players, and the psychology of poker. I still have some ways to go to earn my $140 deposit bonus though. Would have been an extra $55 if I didn't sign up for the wrong tourny. O'well. I think I'm going to continue to play there though as the games are pretty soft. That is all for now just felt like writing something in case someone is actually reading this.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'm up to step 3

I just qualified for the step 3 on Party. That is all

I'm an idiot

I was playing on Pokershare just now. I was playing 2 .25/.50 nl tables. I was up $43.25. I saw a $5.50 satellite into their $5000 gntd that their having today. I go to click in the lobby to sign up one of my tables pops up, I fold and sign up for the satellite. I go back to playing and the new window pops up for the tourney. Sweet only 15 people. I go to check my account to see if my FPP's have been updated and I'm missing a bunch of money. I'm like wtf, then I look at the tournament lobby, I clicked one below what I wanted and signed up for a $50 +5 WSOP satellite for their $500 + 30 tourny. So all my profit is gone as only 1,2 got a seat and I went out in 8th. I'm an idiot.

Played some on Party

Well not a lot going on here. I've been busy looking for a house, trying to finish up my poker table so I've had some time off. I did play on party a little. I qualified for another mini-step 2, and while I played that I played 1 table of .10/.25 nl. Man I haven't played cash games on party in a long time. I forgot how sweet they are.


Hands played: 88
Amount Won: $16.85

I really need to finish my bonus at Pokershare off so I can get my HOH3. I just got the No Limit Theory book Sat. in the mail. Anyone want to do a study group type of thing?